Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Reasons Why PS4 is Better than the Xbox One

It’s always a competition in the gaming industry especially for titans such as the PlayStation and Xbox. Both of these consoles have always been competing in terms of performance, graphics, specs and even the exclusive games.

Whenever updated versions of these consoles are released, gamers and fans are always competing to see which one performs best. For some, they’re both just gaming consoles but for gamers, that’s not always the case since they are always looking for an experience that will take them to the next level.

In this article, we will be talking everything you need to know about the PlayStation 4. This has been around for a while and it’s starting to get a lot of feedbacks from users that it is a much better one compared to its big competitor, the Xbox One.

Let’s take a look at some of the facts as to why a lot of gamers are into the PlayStation 4:

It’s evident that the PlayStation 4 has an advantage in terms of power than the Xbox One which also means that it is better in performance for 3rd party games. Sure the Xbox One may have had a little boost after freeing up its processing power but the PS4 always has a better record in terms of providing superior frame rate and resolution. This could mean better games especially on the race of first person shooters.

The PS4 exclusives so far have experienced a bit of a train wreck with release of the games such as Driveclub and Knack. But that doesn’t mean that Sony won’t keep us disappointed since some big exclusive releases will be in the hands of PS4 soon. These exclusive games include The Order: 1886, LittleBig Planet 3, Bloodborne and Batman: Arkham Knight. Lastly, let’s not forget about the games that Naughty Dog has in store for the PS4 such as Uncharted 4 and the much awaited sequel for The Last Us, if there really is one.

As a company, Sony is on a bit of a struggle but Kaz Hirai is very clear about making the PlayStation the main pillar of his new strategy. This means that PS4 owners will get full access to the features of Sony’s other key titles such as the PS Vita, PS TV, Morpheus and many more. The company is looking forward to building a multi-device ecosystem that is revolving around the PS4. With that alone, you can easily say that it’s probably the right time to pick up that PS4 now.

In the console war, the PS4 is taking an impressive lead so far. Even though not much of the 3rd party titles have surfaced yet, a lot of developers are now seemingly putting their time, focus and effort into a system that has a higher install base. This means that not only will we get better versions of these games; we’ll also get better exclusive games from different kinds of developers. Also, since PS4 is out in the wild, there’s a chance that one of your friends owns one as well. With that in mind, you will surely have a great time playing co-op and multiplayer games.

Now all of that has been said, it’s pretty clear why purchasing the PS4 would seem like a smart choice. Just take note that the era for this next gen console has just started so there’s no reason why you should back out anytime soon.

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